"...from the town hall" - 23.02.2024

Dear fellow residents

Recently, there have been increasing complaints that people are driving too fast in some places.

Whether this is always justified can only be judged on a case-by-case basis. If a display device on a speed-restricted stretch of road shows drivers their speed, they can recognize their speed and adjust their driving style even without police monitoring.

It doesn't have to be monitoring and penalties. We all want road safety. This includes consideration for other road users, but also for residents.

On so-called "collector roads", the StVO stipulates a maximum speed limit of 50 km/h in urban areas. Collector roads are roads on which traffic is bundled together on one stretch or coming from side streets.

In residential areas such as Barl I, II and III, but also in Kaimt, zones with a maximum speed limit of 30 km/h have been established.

Experience shows that it is not so much out-of-town road users who drive at inappropriate speeds on the routes and in residential areas, but rather local traffic and traffic coming and going from local residents.

My request to all road users: be considerate and keep to the permitted speed limits - even if the road is wide and invites you to drive faster. Consideration also includes keeping the sidewalks clear of parked vehicles. The sidewalks are for pedestrians and (small) children with bicycles. They are protective areas for the little ones as well as for senior citizens who need a safe walking area with their walking aids. In addition, parking on the right-hand side of the road reduces the speed of moving traffic.

Refurbishment of Barlstraße-Süd

In the next few days, work will begin in the area of the construction site above the hospital. The excavated earth will be removed and the side access road will be laid out. This will be followed directly by the renovation of the poor roadway between Eichenstraße and the traffic circle. Until the road has to be closed for the work, a speed limit of 30 km/h has been imposed. This is both to ensure safe traffic and to avoid noise pollution for local residents.

Here, too, we ask all road users to keep to the speed limit and thus show consideration for their fellow residents.

Passage through the Barl III residential area

There is still a complaint that the rear exit of the Globus Handelshof store to the left in the direction of the Barl III residential area is increasingly being used by non-local road users. The signs "No vehicles of any kind" with the addition "Residents free" are regularly disregarded. Traffic monitoring of moving traffic at this point by the police could only be carried out very sporadically and reports from residents are also not a means of traffic monitoring. Before cost-intensive measures are installed in the road area, we will try to keep unnecessary non-local traffic out of the residential area by changing the signage. By setting up a one-way street from the Barl III residential area in the direction of the traffic circle and prohibiting entry from the opposite direction, this will initially be done to test traffic behavior. This will involve a small detour around the Globus for the residents of Barl III. But unfortunately there is no regulation that does not entail a disadvantage.

Let's wait and see how the one-way street regulation works out. Whether it proves its worth or brings more disadvantages for the residents of the Barl III residential area.

We are keeping an eye on the situation and will be happy to return to the issue if necessary. Please feel free to share your experiences with me.

On behalf of all other road users, I would like to thank you for your understanding on the roads and wish you not only a safe journey at all times, but also a pleasant week.



Hans-Peter Döpgen