Christmas greetings "...from the town hall"

Dear fellow residents,

In the previous "... from the town hall", I took a look at the "Christmas Messenger 1954".

Today, let me look back to 1955 and quote:

"It's Christmas time!

Anyone who reads Storm's verses: "Dort drauß' vom Walde komm ich her, ich muß euch sagen, es weihnachtet sehr" (Out of the forest I come, I must tell you, it's Christmas time), the word "es weihnachtet" (it's Christmas time) sticks unforgettably in the heart, an action word that only exists in the German language. Es weihnachtet, that is the activity of our feelings that begins with the first Advent and continues to grow until Christmas Eve, the day of blessed giving.

Christmas is the Christian family celebration that brings father, mother and children together under a tree of lights to form the most intimate family community. And our Christmas joy resonates with a happy, great feeling that everyone celebrates Christmas everywhere, in every town and village. Everyone wishes each other a "Merry Christmas" on Christmas morning.

This awareness that no one is excluded from the joy of Christmas gives each individual celebration its blessing, so that everyone feels the wondrous happiness. And our wishes and hopes, especially on the feast of love, culminate in the prayer that the last of us will soon be able to return home and spend this most beautiful of all feasts in the comfort of our own homes.

Christmas is coming! It's Christmassy when the starry night sky arches over the earth somewhere in the forest. It's Christmassy when children's throats fill with cheerful Christmas carols. It's Christmassy when a couple of parents look into each other's eyes in understanding. It's Christmassy when a grandmother hears the Christmas story in the pews. Christmas is even in the hearts of all brothers and sisters who are still held in uncertainty far from their beloved homeland when they turn their thoughts home to their loved ones on Christmas Eve. What are the sacrifices of individuals compared to the mighty stream of love and gratitude that Christmas sets in motion.

A miracle has truly happened in our midst. We all feel the breath of divine love within us. What we feel at Christmas comes from our innermost being, is a sublime feeling of our heart. We all experience what the poet once felt when he created the inimitable word: Christmas is coming".

These words from 1955 are still so relevant that we say them today in the same way and experience them in our hearts. Do you need any more words?

Let it be Christmas with your family, friends and acquaintances. Christmas in peace, love and gratitude.

For the coming year, together with my employees, I wish you this Christmas peace for 366 days and a happy, contented New Year, which above all may bring you good health.



Hans-Peter Döpgen