"...aus dem Rathaus" - 24.11.2023

Dear fellow residents,

Our town of Zell (Mosel) is celebrating the 800th anniversary of the granting of its town charter this year. We celebrated this on the first weekend in September with the participation of many guests from near and far.

For example, the former mayor Berthold Steffen and his current successor Peter Orosz came from our twin town of Triptis / Thuringia.

They brought a special gift for the children of the town of Zell (Mosel). Triptis is known for its porcelain factory. This manufactory produces high-quality porcelain. Among other things, the porcelain children's tableware from Eschenbach is produced there.

The lovingly designed motifs are based on the famous fairy tales of Little Red Riding Hood, Rapunzel and Cinderella and their friends and bring a lot of joy to children's tables.

After the Zell daycare center had received a first set during an earlier visit by the Triptis guests, the children at the daycare centers in Kaimt and Barl were now also presented with children's tableware with fairytale motifs.

Unfortunately, the children were still on vacation at the time of the visit in September. Therefore, the town of Zell (Mosel) took over the handover on behalf of the town of Triptis after the vacations.

Together with the alderman Rosemarie Mandernach, I was able to hand over the gift to the children. The children were very happy about this extraordinary gift and wanted to use the new plates and cups with the beautiful child-friendly motifs straight away.

A big thank you to the town of Triptis on behalf of the KiTa's in Zell.

Übergabe des Thüringer Porzellans an die Kindergartenkinder. Mayor Hans-Peter Döpgen with councillor Rosemarie Mandernach in the circle of teachers and some children from the Kaimt daycare center with plates from the children's tableware porcelain. (Photo: Pia Leister-Dauns)

Moselle forecourt gets its own name: "MoselPark Zell"

Thanks to extensive renovation work, we will have an independent recreation and leisure area in the Mosel forecourt, which will be more than just an ordinary Mosel forecourt.

As it is a design that will have a lot of green spaces and individual special offers, the administration suggested calling the new recreation and leisure area "MoselPark Zell". This proposal was accepted by the majority of the council.

Naming the area in front of the Moselle emphasizes the special offer and gives a face, character and content to both the tourist advertising and the special inner-city character.

Large winter lime tree to be moved

A lime tree will dominate the center of the new Otto-Finé-Platz. The initial plan was to select an appropriately sized tree from a tree nursery, bring it to Zell and plant it here.

As part of the planning for the new toilet facilities and the access road to the parking lots, a winter lime tree standing there will have to go. It would be a shame if this beautifully grown tree were to perish.

We have therefore decided that it will be picked up from there by a specialist company with roots, transported to Otto-Finé-Platz and transplanted into the middle of the square. The order has been placed.

This change will not only preserve a tree, it will also save costs. Let's hope that the project succeeds and that the tree finds a new worthy place there to everyone's delight.

Why plant a lime tree?

The lime tree is considered a friend of mankind, and symbolically also a lucky charm. It is astonishing that the cultural history of the lime tree always revolves around the individual tree. This becomes clear with terms from folklore such as village lime tree, dancing lime tree or court lime tree. In most cases, this refers to the winter lime tree (Tilia cordata).

Lindenbaum am Zeller Moselvorgelände. (Photo: Steven Goeres)

The lyrics of the folk song "At the fountain outside the gate, there stands a lime tree, I dream in its shade, many a sweet dream...", with the melody by Franz Schubert, are characteristic.

Alongside the church, the blossoming and shady lime tree was also the focal point of the village, a cultural magnet in village life. This shows that the lime tree was something like home for the people and also gave them a sense of security.

The new/old linden tree on Otto-Finé-Platz will thus become a second cultural magnet for our citizens in the town of Zell, alongside the market square in the town center. Let's look forward to the new meeting place in the "MoselPark Zell".

I wish you all a pleasant week

Your Mayor Hans-Peter Döpgen