Who is allowed to use the toilet? Basically, severely disabled people who have a so-called "Euro key" and can use it to open the toilet facilities free of charge.
What is the "Eurokey" and how can I obtain it?
The "Eurokey" grants access to around 12,000 disabled toilets in Germany, Austria, Switzerland and already in some other European countries. This standardized key has existed since 1986 and is distributed by the Club Behinderter und ihrer Freunde in Darmstadt und Umgebung e. V. (CBF-Darmstadt). Internet: www. cbf-da.de
The "Eurokey" is generally made available to people who are dependent on disabled toilets. This includes people with a severe walking disability, wheelchair users and blind people. People with a severe disability who are in need of assistance and may require a helper can also receive the key.
A basic prerequisite for obtaining a euro key is the possession of a severely disabled person's pass, which people with a degree of disability of 50 or more can apply for. In the article "Applying for a severely disabled person's pass" you can get an overview of what you should bear in mind when applying. You can find this on the Internet at: https://www.enableme.de/de/artikel/schwerbehindertenausweis-beantragen-2146
However, possession of a severely disabled person's pass alone is not enough to obtain a Euro key. The decisive factor is above all the characteristics entered in the severely disabled person's pass. These are the letter abbreviations that can be entered in the ID card.
Specifically, you will receive a Euro key if the following is included in the severely disabled person's ID card:
The mark AG, B, BL, H, or TBL regardless of the degree of disability (GdB)
The mark G and degree of disability (GdB) 70 upwards (i.e. 70, 80, 90 or 100)
However, there are still some exceptions:
Anyone who does not have a disability card will need a copy of a medical report or a medical certificate stating that they are entitled to use disabled toilets. This includes people who suffer from multiple sclerosis, Crohn's disease, ulcerative colitis and people with chronic bladder/bowel disease as well as amputees.
The correct address for obtaining a euro key is as follows:
CBF-Darmstadt e.V., Pallaswiesenstr. 123a, 64293 Darmstadt
To order the key, an informal order request should first be sent to the above address. Proof of disability is required for this, the CBF asks for a copy of the severely disabled person's ID card (front and back) and a note that you would like to order the Euro key.
Is there only this disabled toilet in Zell? In the MoselPark Zell area, a new large toilet facility is being built at the entrance to the parking lots. The old facility will be demolished. In the new facility, which will be available at a later date, there will be two separate toilets for people with severe disabilities, among other things, and the construction work for this will be carried out as part of the conversion of the banks of the Moselle to MoselPark Zell and will begin in the second half of the year.
5. new pedestrian and cycle bridge
Following the city council's decision in principle to build a new pedestrian and cycle bridge, the first two service phases have now been awarded to an engineering firm.
This is service phase 1: In this phase, basic services are provided by the responsible architect, engineer or general planner in order to gather all the basic information about the project.
Once the general conditions are known, the second phase can begin and preliminary planning can start. A concrete draft for the implementation of the construction project is drawn up in order to define the design of the building and thus determine the objectives, costs and a rough construction schedule. This is the most creative phase, especially for architects and engineers, where ideas can be designed, rejected and tinkered with.
It will still be a long road to realization.
6. save the date / 24.8.2024
Since 1965, the town of Zell (Mosel) has maintained a close and friendly relationship with its sponsor company in Kastellaun. Today's 2nd/Information Technology Battalion 282 invites the population of Zell (Mosel) to an "Open Day" at the barracks in Kastellaun on Saturday, August 24, 2024. On behalf of the town of Zell (Mosel), we will of course be represented with our own stand. To ensure that as many residents of our town as possible can experience the various offers and exhibitions of the Bundeswehr on this day, the company will pick up the citizens of our town by bus free of charge and drive them back to Zell later in the afternoon. Please make a note of this date. Both the soldiers and we would be delighted if as many residents of our town as possible would take the opportunity to meet our sponsor company. Of course, guests in our town are also cordially invited to visit the barracks on this "Open Day".
7. Merl Wine Festival
Our wine friends in Merl are celebrating their wine festival this weekend. I wish the wine friends and all visitors happy days with an excellent musical entertainment program and enjoy the rich fruit aromas of the Merl wines.
With this in mind, I wish you not only a happy weekend - but also a pleasant and satisfying week ahead.
Town Mayor
Hans-Peter Döpgen